Monday, April 16, 2012

Ultimate Protein Smoothie

In order to share this recipe, I must admit that we're a little obsessed with protein in this house. James is always trying to eat it to put some weight on his thin frame, and I eat a large percentage of protein to fill me up so I don't pig out on things like chocolate chip cookies (drool) and gain all my weight back.

As usual, after my run today I threw random things in the blender for a quick post-workout meal. The thing that made today different than any other day is that this was the BEST smoothie I've ever made, both health-wise and taste-wise (I'm not counting some of the impressive alcoholic concoctions I've made). It was so good, I decided it had to be added to the blog, both so I can recreate it and so you can share in the healthy yumminess.

Note: My frozen fruit was leftover after I made a fruit salad for Easter. I froze it while still fairly fresh because I had way more than I could possibly eat before it would start rotting. I found this far more cost-effective than buying bags of fruit in the freezer section at the grocery store.

1 cup frozen cantaloupe
10-15 frozen green grapes (a handful)
1 cup fresh baby spinach (you won't taste it, I promise)
1 cup orange juice
1-2 scoops protein powder*
1 T ground flax seeds

Throw all ingredients in the blender and blend until the desired consistency. Enjoy immediately. The end result is about 3 cups of smoothie, almost 30 grams of protein, less than 400 calories, and a heck of a lot of vitamins. All that, and it tastes like dessert.

*I used Isopure Zero Carb Mango Peach protein mix. This and the chocolate version are staples in our cupboard. They taste great, include lots of vitamins, and dissolve better than any protein powder I've found. You don't get that powdery, gritty feeling in your mouth like most protein powders. And they don't use aspartame, which is is HUGE plus for me since it does horrible things to my body.

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